As a school we strive to overcome these difficulties to achieve the most positive outcome for all of our students.
We have a dedicated team surrounding our students comprising of key staff including Heads of Year and Form Tutors. They use observations, data and other key information to track performance and mood management. If an issue or area for development is identified this is addressed by the team.
A comprehensive catalogue of provision had been devised, this contains strategies and tools to address a wide a range of issues including, but not limited to, parental illness, peer pressure, anxiety, aggression, disorganisation and self-esteem.
If initial strategies are not successful students can be referred to the Student Support Panel (SSP). This group meets weekly during term time. Team specialists sit on the panel and make recommendations about additional support options.
We also work closely with the boroughs inclusion team and regularly attend the Education Placement Panel (EPP).
Miss Howe and Ms Kaur oversee the Inclusion and Student Wellbeing Team. This is made up of the following:
Pastoral assistants
Each pastoral assistant is attached to a year group. They work alongside the tutors and Head of Year to support students. They are often the first point of contact for both parents and students. In addition to their year group responsibilities they also have areas of expertise that contribute to the holistic catalogue of provision
- Year 7: Ms Howard
- Year 8: Ms Siddiqah
- Year 9: Mr Kersey
- Year 10: Mr Summers
- Year 11: Miss Muhidin
Learning Support Unit (LSU)
The Learning Support Unit is a place to support, nurture and engage students who are finding it difficult to cope with school life and expectations. The dedicated team in the LSU aim to provide students with strategies which will allow them to moderate their behaviour in order to engage fully with all aspects of school life.
Access and Attendance
Mrs O’Keefe runs this provision and works alongside Ms Harding and Mrs Murrell. Students attendance is monitored to ensure there are no barriers to them achieving their full potential. If attendance issues arise, solutions are provided to ensure students’ academic performance is not affected.
As a school we work hard to develop an ethos where students value their education and regular attendance is highly valued.
Child Protection and Safeguarding Team
Mrs Staggs and a team of professionals ensure that there is a named person available at every point in the day to deal with child protection or safeguarding issues. This team work closely with external agencies in order to safeguard every student.
Please see the safeguarding and child protection policy for more information
Mentoring and Mood Management
A team of mentors work with students to help develop their academic, social or personal skills. This might take the form of group or one to one sessions. Mrs Richardson is our Senior Lead Mentor.