
Please select one of the categories below to find out more information

Please select one of the categories below to find out more information

Headteacher's Welcome

Welcome to the Jo Richardson Community School website. JRCS was opened as a brand new school in 2002. Since opening, it has become a highly successful, oversubscribed secondary school which offers an outstanding level of education to pupils in the local community.

Safeguarding Team

To contact the safeguarding team please see our emails below

School Vision / ACHIEVE

Our school motto is “Success For All”. We want every student to make the very best academic progress and to develop key character traits that will enable all students to be successful. At JRCS we are committed to providing a safe, supportive and happy learning environment for our students. We will support all students in the pursuit of and progress towards their chosen goals by providing the highest standard of teaching and pastoral support.

Policies and Reports

We believe in a fair and equal learning community. This belief is outlined in our policy documents below. If you require any of them in hard copy, please contact the School Office.


In accordance with the Government’s requirement for all governing bodies, the three core strategic functions of the JRCS Governing Body are: 1. Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction; 2. Holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils; 3. Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.


The Local Authority (LA) is required by law to co-ordinate admissions for all secondary schools within the borough. This LA is part of the Pan-London Coordinated Admissions System. The Admissions Executive Board is responsible for the scheme that co-ordinates admissions to schools across all boroughs. The co-ordinated system is in place to ensure parents receive only one offer of a school place for their child.

OFSTED and Performance

In May 2024, Ofsted carried out a two day Section 5 inspection at JRCS. The inspection report confirms that JRCS is now an Outstanding School.

Head Boy, Head Girl and Sixth Form Prefects

Information on our Head Boy, Head Girl and their deputies.

GCSE and Sixth Form Results

We are extremely pleased with the results achieved by our Year 11 and Year 13 students in the recent GCSE and A Level exams.

Staff List

Meet the team; please use the filters below to sort staff members by department.

SMSC and British Values

Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development (SMSC) is part of everything we do at Jo Richardson. British Values are integral to SMSC and underpin our school’s ACHIEVE values. We take a thoughtful and deliberate approach. Our school is named after a woman who stood and actively campaigned for equality. Jo Richardson fought for the civil liberties of people in this borough. Our key character traits include the 5 R’s: Respect, responsibility, Reflection, Resourcefulness and Resilience. The 5 R’s build our students’ character to ensure that we respect one another and take responsibility for the wellbeing of others in our community. Our school community is diverse and we are a better and stronger community because of this diversity. We stand against racism. Our curriculum and pastoral programmes intentionally plan for students to have rich experiences that ensure SMSC and British Values are fully addressed. Jo Richardson stands for equality, community and inclusivity.