Student Voice is an integral part of school life as it provides opportunities for all students to take on roles of responsibilities to assist in improving the whole school. Student voice also provides opportunities for students to develop skills in leadership, confidence, meeting and learning from students in different year groups as well as becoming more confident participants in the wider world. It is also about staff and pupils working together, developing positive working relationships to develop the school further as a learning community.
Students have to strategically plan, support and drive student voice forward to ensure that it is relevant to young people and achieves success through hard work and great effort.
Our Student Action Teams have now trained future school leaders and been invited into many schools across London to train other students in the art of leadership and advocacy and have been nominated for a Team London Award for volunteering.
If you have any queries or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the school office on 020 8270 6222 or contact the Student Aspirations Coordinator, Miss N Deboo at