
Information on teaching and learning

Information on teaching and learning

Whole School Literacy

At JRCS, we take every opportunity to champion the power of words. As a school, we are a very literacy-rich community. We believe in the absolute importance of reading, writing and oracy; these skills underpin our approach to teaching and learning both inside and out of the classroom, across all subject areas.

Growth Mindset

At JRCS students, with support from staff, strive to develop a mindset that enables them to accept challenge, show resilience through difficult times and enrich all learning experiences. This development is facilitated through tutor time activities, carefully planned lessons, the whole school assembly programme, reward schemes and the whole school reporting system.

Right to Write

The 2014/15 school year saw the pilot of the JRCS Right to Write Project. Right to Write saw all Year 7 students plan, draft and complete “best” pieces of extended writing in all of their subjects. These pieces of work were marked for literacy and final “best” pieces of work were stored in presentation folders. Many years on and the project is growing…


Lexia Learning is a computer-based programme which helps to develop students’ reading skills by getting them to complete short activities focusing on phonics, fluency, vocabulary and comprehension.

Whole School Numeracy

There are two strands to the Whole School Numeracy approach at JRCS.