At JRCS students, with support from staff, strive to develop a mindset that enables them to accept challenge, show resilience through difficult times and enrich all learning experiences. This development is facilitated through tutor time activities, carefully planned lessons, the whole school assembly programme, reward schemes and the whole school reporting system.
Six times a year staff enter data into the school management information system for each student in the school. At the end of each half term data is entered for English, maths and science. At the end of each full term (at Christmas, Easter and July) all subjects input data and a full school report goes home to parents. Staff input data on academic performance (GCSE grades or National Curriculum levels), but they also grade students on their mindset, behaviour and homework. The grades range from 1-5, and the strict criteria for these grades can be seen at the bottom of this page.
1 = Excellent
2 = Good
3 = Satisfactory
4 = Cause for concern
5 = Poor
After each set of report data has been inputted, the school turn all the mindset, behaviour and homework grades into one average score. Each score is then given a ranking, and each ranking leads to either a reward or a support mechanism being put in place. Average scores above 3, ‘satisfactory’, are rewarded and average below 3 lead to support being put in place in order to ensure improvement. The ranks and the interventions are below:
Average score |
Rank |
Outcome |
1 |
Platinum |
£50, meet Headteacher, Letter of Commendation, reward trip |
1.25 |
Gold |
Meet Headteacher, Letter of Commendation, reward trip |
1.5 |
Silver |
Letter of Commendation, reward trip |
2 |
Bronze |
Letter home |
2.5 |
Green |
‘Well done’ message on ranking letter to student |
3 |
Yellow |
Tutor Report |
3.25 |
Orange |
Head of Year / Assistant Headteacher Report |
3.5 |
Red |
Assistant Headteacher / Deputy Headteacher Report |
In the first week of each term / half term the new rankings will be shared with students. We don’t just want to reward those students with the scores closest to ‘excellent’, the school will also reward the most improved students by taking them on a reward trip and giving the most improved student a prize.
The reporting and ranking system does not reflect academic ability or attainment, it reflects students who are working hard, behaving well, and meeting deadlines; things that all of our students are capable of.
Students will record each new set of rankings in their planner. Parents / carers and students should discuss the rankings and look at the matrix to identify behaviours that students can display to improve their mindset, behaviour and homework grades next time.
If you have any queries or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the school office on 020 8270 6222 or contact Mr G R Smith at