1. The development and promotion of all students becoming numerate – they develop the ability to use number in everyday situations and contexts.
2. The Go Figure initiative where students develop three essential skills; Reasoning, Decision Making and Problem Solving.
Mrs Morris rmorris@jorichardson.org.uk
Where subjects use numerical approaches, for example drawing graphs, performing calculations or converting measures, we aim to use consistent methods and approaches to help students to form links between these areas in different subjects.
The Go Figure initiative was launched in January 2016 and is still in its infancy. All departments across the school make explicit links to the Go Figure skills in their lessons or tasks when they are used. Teachers will discuss the skills needed or developed and focus on the processes used to reach a solution. Some departments will be piloting larger tasks that use the Go Figure skills so students have the opportunity to see why they are so essential to their future life.
The Year 7s take part in ‘The Island’ on their first day at Jo Richardson, as part of the ‘Go Figure’ programme. This involves the three essential skills; reasoning, decision making and problem solving. Students work as teams within their form groups to overcome challenges based on a fictional island.
If you have any queries or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the school office on 020 8270 6222 or contact Mrs Morris rmorris@jorichardson.org.uk