General Sixth Form Policies
Please make sure that you are following all the expectations and procedures:
- Full attendance, phone the absence line if you are ill or unable to attend.
- Be punctual, 8:35am is start of registration, you must be in school for 8:30am.
- Wear your lanyard
- Follow the dress code
- Be respectful to staff and your peers
Mobile phones, airpods or headphones should not be visible in the main school.
You can use your phone in the Sixth Form corridor, SFCR, the Wren Garden and in Castle Green foyer.
You may not use your phone in lessons, in Main Street or any other corridors.
If a member of staff asks for your phone because you are using it in the wrong place, politely find out the teachers’ name if you don’t know it. See Mrs Evans, Miss Campbell or Miss Duncan to get the phone back.
Admission Policy
Attendance Policy
Attendance and Punctuality Policy 2024-2025
We are working hard on supporting high attendance so that students do as well as they can. There are several strategies in use.
Students must contact school using the absence line (0208 270 6222) on every day of absence. On their return to school students must supply a note explaining their absence. There are slips for this purpose in the student planners.
If we are concerned about a student we will use an attendance card to monitor their attendance. If concerns continue we will contact parents and discuss further support.
We hope that these strategies will show that we are supporting students who need help and allowing mature students to take more responsibility for their learning. We also want to make it clear that excellent attendance is vital for success in Sixth Form.
Should the student have a medical appointment that is unable to be made outside of school hours the appointment card/letter must be brought to Miss Campbell or Miss Duncan BEFORE the appointment. Emergency appointments which have no prior notice must have a card/letter given to Miss Campbell or Miss Duncan on the students return to school.
Should the above guidelines not be followed then students will be marked as unverified absence.
To view our punctuality policy please click on the attendance and punctuality link above.
Dress Code
There will be dress-code checks at random times
All students should be wearing clothes suitable for a working environment.
Students On Site After School Hours
By 4.15 students who are still at school should be
- Working in SF5, SF6, SFSC or the Common Room
- Working in classrooms with subject staff
- Exercising in the gym
All students have to leave the site by 5:30pm
Gym Policy
ALL students must complete an induction for the gym and complete the necessary documentation
- No changing in the gym
- Everyone in the gym should be changed and working
- Only students with lessons at JRCS are permitted in the gym during school time
Oversubscription Criteria
Minimum entry requirements
All students must have achieved grades 9-4 in English Language and Maths. To study A level, students must achieve an attainment 8 score of 4.6. To study BTEC/CTEC courses students must achieve an attainment 8 score of 3.6. Each subject might have specific grade entry requirements that are detailed on the school website and in the Sixth Form prospectus.
Availability requirements
Places will be offered subject to and dependent on –
A. Sufficient demand for places in each of the subject areas the applicant has indicated they wish to study.
B. Availability of the combination of subjects selected by the applicant and Jo Richardson’s ability to staff and resource the subjects selected.
C. Existing Jo Richardson Community School students have priority over external applicants. Where there are more internal applicants than places, places will be offered using the oversubscription criteria below. We will accept a minimum of 18 students from external academic institutions in each cohort subject to achievement of minimum entry requirements. If the sixth form is oversubscribed with applicants, the following criteria will be used to determine which applicants are admitted:
1. The date the application was received by. Priority will be given to students who applied to the institution on time.
2. Attendance to all induction events including induction day and the maths transition course. Priority will be given to students who attended induction events.
3. Young people who are Looked After Children (LAC) i.e., children who are in the care of a local authority or being provided with accommodation by a local authority in their exercise of their social services functions as defined in Section 22(1) and previously looked after children who were adopted or subject to a residence order or special guardianship order immediately following having been looked after.
4. Any other young people on the basis of distance from home to Jo Richardson Community School measured by the shortest walking route, from the postcode of their home address to the postcode of the school.
1. An offer of a place under Criterion 4 will be conditional on verification of address at application. Any address other than the young person’s permanent home will not be used for processing the application. If you move after submitting your application, you must inform the school within two weeks of your move so that your application is considered using the correct address for school admissions purposes.
2. Places will be offered at Jo Richardson Sixth Form but the school cannot offer places for specific courses. It is possible that some courses may not run in any given academic year. It is also possible that some subjects will have to be capped at a specific class size to protect staffing, rooming and specialist facilities planning. Final capping will not be able to take place until enrolment day. Where the school is not able to confirm a place on a specific course an alternative course may be suggested. A waiting list will be held in order of the above criteria for places on courses should they become available in the first two weeks of term.
3. Applications made under Criterion 3 must be accompanied by details of circumstance and professionally supported evidence (e.g., from a social worker); Evidence will be verified by the LA before applications are passed to schools. If a school receives an application directly, please ensure the status of a LAC or Previously LAC is verified.
4. The school reserves the right to seek verification of any information given on the application form and to withdraw the offer of a place if false information has been given. Including medical, address and qualifications.
5. Attendance, punctuality, and behaviour records will also be taken into consideration.