30 Sep KS5 & Year 11 Drama Students
Well done!...
Well done!...
Well Done!...
We would like to invite parents/carers of Year 13 students to an information evening on Tuesday 27th September 5.30pm-6.30pm in Boothroyd Hall. The evening will focus on key dates that are upcoming, information about the university application process, guidance about apprenticeships and advice about supporting your...
We look forward to welcoming all Year 11 parents/carers in for an information evening on Thursday 29th September. The time for this event is 5:30pm in Boothroyd Hall, slightly later than the original advertised time, to ensure all parents can make it. Students can attend...
Well Done!...
We are holding a parent/carer information evening on Tuesday 20th September from 5.30pm-6.30pm.in Boothroyd Hall for parents/carers of Year 12 students. The purpose of the evening is to provide parents/carers with key information that will help your son / daughter make the best possible start to...
Well done!...