21 May 5k for 50 Days
Thank you Finley
As part of a fundraising activity a friend of Miss Draisey decided to run 5k every day for 50 days. The aim was to raise as much money as possible to buy football boots to support anyone in London who may benefit from them. Finley completed his 5k every day in the rain, sun and freezing temperatures throughout April and raised over £2000.
Alongside this, he made a great partnership with Mad About Boots who then also agreed to donate boots to the cause.
As a result of his outstanding efforts, JRCS are now the proud owners of 13 brand new/barely worn football boots, some of which have been worn by players playing professionally in the Championship!
We wanted to take this opportunity to thank Finley for his efforts in fundraising and delivering so many pairs of boots for us here at JRCS, the boots are now with our Wings Football Academy (Mr Richards & Mr Kersey) and will soon be on the feet of an outstanding player near you!
Miss Draisey
Head of Year 11
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