20 Sep Davaughn’s Diary
Written by Davaughn Smith 13A
ast Thursday, the Open Evening for the Year 6’s, who will hopefully become the new Year 7’s took place and we know what this means, right? Chaotic crowds, excited children and chatty parents are the norm for this type of event, and of course, we cannot forget the speech of our beloved Mr Smith.
Each year, we get a chance to show off the exceptionality of JRCS, and this has always been a highlight of the school year and this year was no different. Many activities were available in all the subject departments especially the Science Department (as usual). Also, we must give thanks to Ms Buonaiuto and Mrs Richardson and an even bigger thanks to the students who participated, helping the parents, touring and giving out information packs on the evening.
On the 18th September, the Stubbers trip kicked off at high noon. Raft building and climbing sports were the activities of the day and anticipation was in the air. We must thank Mr Smith and the Sixth Form for keeping this specific trip on the JRCS curriculum. According to a lot of students this trip provided a stress free environment, as well as taking our minds off the future challenges of Year 13. The day include multiple climbing activities, some were difficult, some were chill, but overall everyone was challenged and had great fun. The raft building was the highlight of the day, with the prospect of being able to build and test your own raft, everyone was a mixture of excitement and anticipation. Almost everybody got soaked from falling into the water, but all in all it was a great day even though a lot of students say their muscles hurt from all the physical exercise the next day.
Davaughn Smith 13A
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