17 Jun Girls Panathlon Football event
Well done!
On Wednesday 15th June I had the pleasure along with Ms Felton of accompanying eight young women from Jo Richardson who were attending a football event run by the Panathlon organisation and based at Barking Abbey School. The students involved were Mmachi and Shanaya in Year 7, Lily in Year 8, Chloe, Phoebe, Tasha and Hanya in Year 9 and Lisa in Year 10.
The morning consisted of several different activities where the students were taught various football drills and exercises. After lunch, the students were put into various teams alongside the students who had been running the workshops in the morning.
Lisa, Chloe and Natasha put up a great performance both in goal and on the field. Shanaya on the purple team managed to get involved and scored a goal or two, as did Hanya. The joint prize for most goals and most enthusiastic play has to go to Lily, Mmachi and Phoebe who thew themselves into each and every game with gusto.
The students all received medals for taking part and will be receiving certificates in assembly for their involvement. Thanks to all the students for their good humour and enthusiasm on such a hot day and to Ms Felton for her enthusiasm and support.
Ms Montague – Teacher in SDD
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