12 Jan Gold Seagull
Rhianna Mutyaba 7J – First Gold Seagull winner of 2016/17
One of the most important things any school needs to do is to acknowledge and reward student’s achievements. The ACHIEVE agenda at JRCS carries all the values and qualities we aim to support our students in acquiring during their time at the school. Those students who achieve the Gold Seagull have shown a huge commitment to aspiring to be the very best they can.
Therefore, I am delighted to announce that our first Gold Seagull winner of the academic year 2016/17 is Rhianna Mutyaba 7J. I was privileged this week to present Rhianna with her certificate during the Year 7 assembly.
I know that this will be the first of many Gold Seagulls that will be awarded this year and I look forward to attending many more year group assemblies in order to present them to our winners.
Mr Smith
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