28 Apr GrandMaster declares “Check-Mate” in Final
After weeks of pawns going on the attack and Knights riding in to protect their King & Queen, it came down to the two final chess players in the JRCS Chess Tournament 2023.
Angelos Year 13 against Victor Year 12.
A much-anticipated final was played on Monday 24th April. Those who had played in the tournament had the opportunity to watch the final as it was streamed to a nearby room for spectators – ensuring the quiet for the two finalists to concentrate.
It became clear that both would play strategic and was interesting to see both Kings become protected by a triangular pawn defence. A flurry of quicker pace play saw the number of pieces on the board reduce and a few gasps from the watching room as sacrifices were made to advance attacking tactics.
Gradually it appeared that Angelos started to gain the upper hand, but all was still in the balance as both moved to promote a pawn to a higher rank. Eventually Angelos’ strategy and tactics saw Victor lose too many pieces and the end of the game draw closer.
The handshake came as Victor’s King had to surrender to Check-Mate.
An enthralling final between to top class Chess players, both of whom played with a high level of skill and sportsmanship.
Overall, a fitting finale to an amazing tournament. The questions have already begun about next year’s tournament!
My personal thanks to Ms Osland who has been an immense part of the organising and running of the tournament. Definitely the Queen of the playing area!
Congratulations to all who competed, to those who made it through to later stages. Victor for getting to the final (step further next year?) and obviously to Angelos for being GRANDMASTER 2023.
GrandMaster Finalists 2023:
Angelos Year 13 v Victor-Petru Year 12
GrandMaster JRCS Chess 2023
Angelos Year 13
Miss Campbell & Ms Osland
Tournament Organisers
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