07 Jul Head Boy and Head Girl
Joseph McKay and Jennifer Dicko
I am delighted to announce that we have chosen Joseph McKay and Jennifer Dicko as our Head Boy and Head Girl for the academic year 2017/18. They will be ably supported by Davaughn Smith and Tasnia Haque who have been appointed as Deputy Head Boy and Girl.
On Wednesday afternoon, Mr Morgan and I interviewed 25 Year 10 students for these roles. This is the highest number of applicants we have ever had and it proved to be an outstanding field of candidates. I was delighted to have the opportunity to hear about these young people’s achievements and aspirations, they were a truly inspiring group of JRCS students. I am sure you will join me in congratulating Joseph McKay, Jennifer Dicko, Davaughn Smith and Tasnia Haque in wishing them all the best for the coming year.
Mr Smith
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