07 Jul JRCS Class of 2023 Prom
Good Luck!
On Monday 3rd July we had the great pleasure of celebrating the Class of 2023 at their prom.
The event was held at Orsett Hall hotel and our wonderful Year 11s did not disappoint with their gorgeous gowns, spectacular suits and grand entrances. From stretch hummers to quad bikes and flares, the start of the evening had it all.
Students were then sat to a two-course dinner before dancing the night away to a range of classic party tunes and more modern beats.
The evening was a wonderful opportunity to see our Year 11s celebrate diversity, kindness and all that they have achieved during their five years of secondary school. Additionally, we got to celebrate those who won awards voted by the year group, this included:
Prom Royalty – Bobby & Teeyah
Best Couple – Ella & Tommy
Funniest – Lewis
Most Artistic – Jean
Most Competitive – Ali Zain
Biggest Heart – Olivia
Most successful in 10 Years – Divine
We are so proud of this year group and know that they will go far. Best of luck to the class of 2023!
Remember – Work Hard, Be Nice, Take Opportunities.
Ms Draisey
Head of Year 11
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