14 Jun Katelyn Achieves Herbert Smith Freehills Networked Scholarship Place!
A small number of Year 12 students have been involved in a Networked Scholarship scheme run by international law firm Herbert Smith Freehills, based in London.
The students had to apply to be part of the initial group of seven students to represent JRCS. After their initial meeting, six of the students applied for the scholarship programme and made it through to interview. Each student travelled independently to their interview at HSF main office in Liverpool Street and had an interview with two of HSF’s employees.
From this stage, we were fortunate that four students from JRCS were taken through to the last stage – an assessment evening. During this time, they had to contribute to their group’s presentation by researching, discussing, and ensuring their pitch met the brief given at the start of the task.
From this final stage, five students from across the schools involved were selected to be part of the HSF Networked Scholarship Programme 2024.
I am extremely proud that one of those places was achieved by Katelyn from JRCS. The programme will support her with a mentor for the next four years, provide an internship with HSF during the Summer after her A Level exams in 2025 – with a possible trip to the Paris office involved! The support will continue through Katelyn’s university course and help her with networking and work experience in the area of interest she is looking to follow.
I would also like to congratulate Abigail, Dinara and Lamin for getting through to the final stages – it was a very competitive year, and they should also feel extremely proud of their achievements.
The next stage for Katelyn will be at the new cohort launch in September, so expect a follow up article with a few corporate pictures.
Miss Campbell
Deputy Director of Sixth Form
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