18 Oct Media Career Workshop
Well done!
On Tuesday 15th October two media professionals ran a career workshop for JRCS students. Josie, a director and producer, and Andre, a producer and actor, worked with students from Years 10-13, discussing career roles and how to break into the industry. Year 10 and 11 students workshopped pitch ideas, discussed different jobs and had an opportunity to ask questions.
The event was organised by the National Youth Theatre who are working with schools to promote half-term workshops, in association with Netflix, on getting into the media industry.
The students were very engaged and worked well together – especially the Year 11s who were all chosen because they want to get into the media industry. Lacey, Year 11, said “this was so useful, I got to speak to Josie and Andre about my aspirations and they gave me really good advice.” Jayden, Year 10, said “We did loads of fun games and then got quizzed about different areas of the media. We had covered a lot of it in class with Ms Harland so Josie and Andre thought we were really good!”.
I am really impressed with the students’ engagement; they took opportunities and showed outside visitors how great the students of JRCS really are.
Ms Harland
Head of Media Studies
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