26 Jan Project Proposal Judging – Mark Evison Foundation
Well done!
We were delighted to welcome Margaret Evison to school this week from Mark Evison Foundation. Margaret set up the foundation in memory of her son Mark to provide small grants to students who wish to create, plan, and experience a challenging project of their interest.
We have worked with the Foundation for over thirteen years and had some amazing previous student projects. We have had a Primary school session delivery about Powerful Women, a poetry book published, a scaled architectural building created a trek along the south downs to name a few.
This year’s cohort has really upped the level of their challenge and we will hopefully see our first international project. We had six groups go to the final judging meeting, more than any previous year.
Of those four of the groups have been given the go-ahead – so watch out for information about a Cultural Fashion Show, A mountainous trek in the Lake District, A new computer game and a Bike Ride from London Eye to Eiffel Tower. The other two projects have got a yes in principle but need to update some of their proposals to get the solid yes – Climbing Ben Nevis and designing & building a radio-controlled car.
A lot of the project will probably take place in July but updates on progress will be shown in The Seagull.
Margaret commented on how good the proposals were and what a delightful, passionate bunch of students she had the pleasure of meeting.
Congratulations to all those that are now Mark Evison Award holders (and will be!).
Keep an eye out for future Seagull Articles detailing their progression.
Miss Campbell
Deputy Director of Sixth Form
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