15 Mar Social Studies Club
Well done!
The Social Studies department have just launched a new extra-curricular club, for KS4 and KS5 students. The aim of the club is to create interest in our subjects (psychology, sociology, politics, health & social care and CeFS) and encourage curiosity in all things social studies related.
It is a great opportunity for students currently studying our subjects to explore topics beyond the curriculum or for students interested in pursuing our subjects post-16/post-18 to get an insight into related topics.
The club launched last week, with a focus on psychology. The session was led by Mrs House who explored the topic of aphantasia, a phenomenon known as being ‘mind blind’.
Students that attended completed a test to see whether they were aphantasic and then discussed the causes of aphantasia and how it presents in individuals. Students thoroughly enjoyed the activity and had fun exploring a phenomenon they were unaware of prior to attending.
KS4 and KS5 students, please keep an eye out in the notices for future session topics. We look forward to welcoming you.
Miss Tasneem
Head of Social Studies
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