24 Feb William Morris Gallery, Walthamstow
Well done!
Last Tuesday the Art Department took a selected group of Year 9 students to the William Morris Gallery in Walthamstow.
The trip gave students the chance to experience Morris’ work in the place he grew up and surround themselves with lots of hands on and tactile exhibits ranging from the furniture he created, to drawings, tapestries, stained glass and original wood blocks and printed fabrics.
They were led around the gallery by historians, giving them lots of interesting background information and enjoyed a hands-on printing workshop, led by an established artist. We were all inspired by the work around us, and this will hopefully inspire students to visit more art galleries in future.
The comments from staff at the gallery were very flattering, they were all amazed by the talent and mindset the group displayed. Very well done and thank you all for a lovely experience.
Ms Franz and Mr Hassan
Art Department
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