17 Oct Work the World 2019
Each year two lucky Year 10 students get the fantastic opportunity to travel abroad to a location of their choice for their work experience. This experience comes with some financial and logistical support from the school for the chosen individuals. This year we had a total of 14 wonderful applicants who wrote outstanding and heartfelt applications for the opportunity (please see full list below). On Thursday 10th October, myself and Mr Smith interviewed these students and we were in awe of their resilience and positivity, additionally we were delighted to see how much they had done for JRCS already in their time here. Sadly, we could only choose two students and those lucky individuals were:
John Egbedeyi Who is planning to travel to Canada.
Chiara Fidami Khida Who is planning to travel to France.
A huge congratulations to this wonderful and humble pair, of course, we were incredibly sad to say no to the other applicants but please congratulate all students if you can!
Feba Abraham 10I, Melani Marinova 10I,
Dylan Ferreira 10G, Sorna Chondhury 10A,
Tiffany Robinson 10A, Arafat Abiola 10C,
Rachel Okine 10C, Chelsea Akposheri-Oweh 10C, Joshua Sam 10A, Rhianna Mutyaba 10J, Kehinde Dihinsulu 10H and Taiwo Dihinsulu 10H.
Miss Draisey
Head of Year 10
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