10 Mar Year 10 News
London Fire Brigade LIFE Course
Recently two of our Year 10 students participated in the LIFE course run by the London Fire Brigade. This is a programme was an intensive four day course where young people learn the job of a firefighter. Kacey Tahiri and Jayden Willis took the opportunity to challenge and participated in the four day event. They had the opportunity to learn a range of skills whilst working alongside the Brigade in real life action.
Based in Dagenham Fire Station, Kacey and Jayden take part in a range of activities including casualty rescue techniques and using breathing apparatus equipment.
The scheme was launched in Tower Hamlets in 2002, as a response to antisocial behaviour against our firefighters, the LIFE scheme now operates in all London Boroughs and has engaged with more than 12,000 young people to date.
Mr Morgan
Head of Year 10
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