11 Mar Year 7 Fitness February and Inter-form planking competition
JRCS Inter-form planking competition
Year 7 have been focusing on their fitness for the month of February and have set both short and long term goals to improve their fitness. Miss Boulton, Miss England and Miss Simpson showcased extra-curricular opportunities in PE and Dance in assembly and also led some year group fitness and dance activities. Mr Cocksworth’s form 7C took it upon themselves to build up their core strength in registration by planking which led to the first ever . It was a fiercely contested competition which saw podium finishes for Thomas Hill 7E (1st), Joshua Adewale 7I (2nd) and Michael Idahosa 7D (3rd) and Mr McMahon 7D (1st), Mr Looby 7B (2nd) and Miss Boulton 7G (3rd). The money raised by the spectators also contributed to the fundraising for the Nicaragua trip.
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