11 Mar Year 9 Duke of Edinburgh fundraising
Well Done!
We worked as a team to make vanilla and chocolate butterfly cakes and sausage rolls. The vanilla and chocolate butterfly cakes sold the most, but the sausage rolls were extremely popular with the teachers.
In our charity fundraising for the RSPCA, we have not just been baking, we have also been selling sweets. The aim is to guess the number of sweets that are in a jar. There are halal and non halal. The closer you get to the number of sweets, the jar is yours. The winners were Ms Hillsden and Lisa in Year 10. Amber said, “I liked getting over my anxiety by pushing myself out of my comfort zone by selling at lunchtime and by speaking in front of the Year 9 assembly.”
At first our target was £50 and we went over it so we aimed for £100. We were proud that we went over that, and we now have a total of £128.49 which will be donated to the RSPCA.
Amber, Daisy, Harley, Kalem and Keyaan
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