31 Mar Young Carers Action Day
Well done!
On March 17th it was Young Carers Action Day. Young Carers Action Day is carried out to raise awareness on who young carers are and why it is important they are identified to get the support they need.
To raise awareness for young carers at school, myself and some of the Social Action Team ran a tombola with a range of prizes donated by teachers and Hobby Craft.
Young carers were involved in making friendship bracelets and keychains that could be won. Overall, we raised £114.72 which has been donated to Barking and Dagenham Young Carers.
Some more information about Young Carers Action Day is that this year the theme was ‘Make time for young carers’ this highlights how professionals should make time to listen to young carers and to put the right support in place. Young Carers Action Day can result in young carers not feeling alone, even 10 minutes can make a difference in their lives and improve their health and wellbeing.
There are many resources online that can be found to see how to support young carers.
Finally, Young Carers Action Day leads to better outcomes such as better support in schools, more breaks and fun activities, better access to counselling and more money for young carers and the services they use.
Catrina Year 13 and the Student Voice Social Action Team
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