16 Jul Borneo Day 7
Sunday 15th July Jungle Camp Blogger: G Sartauskaite We have had an amazing day. It seems to me like every day keeps getting better and better and the team bond gets stronger. Today our group leader was Harvey, who volunteered and stood forward to guide…
Sunday 15th July
Jungle Camp
Blogger: G Sartauskaite
We have had an amazing day. It seems to me like every day keeps getting better and better and the team bond gets stronger. Today our group leader was Harvey, who volunteered and stood forward to guide us throughout the day. We started off the day a bit shaky with a 1.5 mile trek but as the day progressed things evidently got better. We made our way to the jungle despite the blood, sweat and tears 🙂
When in the jungle, we were put to the task of setting up our own sleeping arrangements aka hammocks. Amber was particularly good at putting hers up getting myself and Miss Campbell to do it. After putting up the hammocks, we had a big lunch and set off to learn about the secrets of the jungle with our lovely guides Vincent and Richard. We got to see how the Murat community uses traps to capture rats and squirrels, thankfully we are not eating those for dinner. We also learnt of the eco system surrounding the jungle we set our hammocks in. When taking a mini trek of the jungle most of our group got to try the water from bamboo sticks, which to me tasted like water infused with peach? When back at the campsite Sabrina and James set off to help bbq our meal for the evening while everyone else had time to do absolutely nothing aka sleep. As the night progressed more and more people got to help in the cooking. Oh and we heard our first monkey today.
As much as we all miss Dagenham (we don’t) we are having the best time exploring this new beautiful culture, exotic food and beyond amazing sceneries. To end the night, we had a delicious dinner and lit a fire double the size of Emily, luckily she wasn’t in it. When sitting by the fire we had a chance to see a scorpion get killed 🙂 The guitar was out and so were we, singing songs while Joe and Alfie played some tunes. The Murat tribe even sung some of their songs for us! The evening ended extremely positive and now we’re looking forward to our new set of tasks.
Ps: labas mamuk it tetuk, viskas gerai:)
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