13 Mar Psychology Trip
London Zoo
On Wednesday 4th March, the Psychology Department and Year 12 Psychology students visited London Zoo to take part in a phobias workshop. The session involved learning about the characteristics of common
phobias and the treatment options for it. One of the treatment options we were taught about was clinical hypnotherapy. The class took part in a brief 20-minute hypnotherapy session and post-therapy, we were introduced to the zoo’s resident spider, Rosie. Students took turns in holding and touching the spider to see if the hypnotherapy session had worked in eliminating our fears. Samira – “This was quite scary for me but I managed to hold Rosie for a few seconds; this could be down to having the hypnotherapy!”.
Throughout the day, we also spent time walking around the zoo observing the animals, we saw giraffes, penguins and lions. Overall, it was a brilliant day out and the trip has helped consolidate our knowledge of the psychopathology topic.
Charlie and Samira – Year 12
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