18 May September 2018
Changes to the Senior Leadership Team
September 2018
I want to take this opportunity to tell you about some changes to the Senior Leadership Team for September 2018. As you will already be aware Ms Keane has taken up the position of Head of School whilst I work as Executive Head at both Dagenham Park and JRCS. In September, Mr McInerney takes up the new challenge of Head Teacher of Highlands School, Enfield. I am sure you will join me in thanking him for his years of dedicated service at JRCS and wish him the very best of luck in his new role.
In addition, Miss Howe and Mr Smith have recently been appointed as Deputy Heads at JRCS and they too will take up their positions in September. Congratulations to them both!Finally, last week we appointed two new Assistant Heads to join our Senior Leadership Team, Mr Brierley will be joining us from Heartlands High School, Haringey and Miss Eastman, who you will all know already from our English Department, will also be stepping up to the new role.
Mr Smith
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