22 Apr Sixth Form Parents’ Evening
Sixth Form Parents’ Evening Tuesday 3rd May
We are adding an extra Parents’ Evening to the Sixth Form calendar. This will be used by teachers to invite parents and carers of specific students to meet. We will send you a specific invitation and would appreciate your support if you are invited. This will be on Tuesday 3rd May. The purpose of the meeting will be to help us all to support the students to success in their courses.
Students with exams at the end of May and beginning of June will benefit from strategies that we can follow through at home and at school, so please come if you are invited. If we invite you it will be because there is a specific concern to discuss. If you are not specifically invited but would like to meet a member of the Sixth Form team, please email jyeaman@jorichardson.org.uk or contact Mrs Yeaman via the school phone number.
All Year 12 parents will be invited to the scheduled consortium Parents’ Evening at JRCS and the other schools. This is on Thursday 16th June.
Mrs Wren
Director of Sixth Form
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